IBM Security Identity adapter for SAP NetWeaver 7.1.30 is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed.
These Release Notes contain information for the following products that was not available when the IBM Security Identity Server manuals was printed:
The IBM Security Identity Adapter for SAP NetWeaver is designed to create and manage accounts on a target SAP NetWeaver ABAP server. The adapter runs in "agentless" mode and communicates using standards BAPI and RFC methods supplied with the SAP server. Communication to these BAPI and RFC methods is enabled by the SAP Java Connector (Jco) API.
IBM recommends the installation of this adapter (and the prerequisite IBM Security Directory Integrator, previously known as IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator) on each node of an IBM Security Identity Server WAS cluster. A single copy of the adapter can handle multiple IBM Security Identity Server Services. The deployment configuration is based, in part, on the topology of your network domain, but the primary factor is the planned structure of your IBM Security Identity Server Provisioning Policies and Approval Workflow process. Please refer to the IBM Knowledge Centre for a discussion of these topics.
The IBM Security Identity Server adapters are powerful tools that require Administrator Level authority. Adapters operate much like a human system administrator, creating accounts, permissions and home directories. Operations requested from the IBM Security Identity Server will fail if the adapter is not given sufficient authority to perform the requested task. IBM recommends that this adapter run with administrative (root) permissions.
Review and agree to the terms of the IBM Security Identity Server Adapter License prior to using this product. The license can be viewed from the "license" folder included in the product package.
Adapter Version
Component |
Version |
Build Date |
2018 June 20 22.44.51 |
Adapter Version |
7.1.30 |
Component Versions |
Adapter build: Profile: Connector: Dispatcher 7.0.32 and above |
Documentation |
The following guides are available in the IBM Knowledge Centre: � SAP NetWeaver Adapter Installation and Configuration Guide |
New Features
Enhancement # (FITS) |
Description |
Items included in current release (7.1.30) |
RTC 162832 |
SAPGRC support on ISIMVA 7.0 See �Support SAPGRC on ISIMVA 7.0�section for more information. |
Items included in 7.1.29 release |
None |
Items included in 7.1.28 release |
None |
Items included in 7.1.27 release |
Internal |
Addition of the special flag attribute in targetProfile.json |
Items included in 7.1.26 release |
None |
Items included in 7.1.25 release |
None |
Items included in 7.1.24 release |
Internal |
SAP Authorization roles issue - SAP complexAttribute handler should set ID value for ComplexAttributeValue |
Items included in 7.1.23 release |
RTC 153839 |
Added support for JCo 3.0.16. Bug 2160 - Test connection issue on SAP NW adapter service failing with 'Password decryption failed' Bug 2262 - SAP NetWeaver CTGDIK220E Communication error with SAP R/3 |
Items included in 7.1.22 release |
RTC 151783 |
Add Support for Identity Governance and Intelligence (IGI) v5.2.2 This adapter is now designed for use with IBM security Identity manager, Privileged Identity Manager and Identity Governance and Intelligence
Note � SAPNetWeaver adapter does not support adapter inside VA functionality. It can�t be install inside the identity Governance and Intelligence VA.
Items included in 7.0.21 release |
None |
Items included in 7.0.20 release |
RTC 142424 |
Support for SAP NW 750 |
96511 (46480) |
Support for Complex attribute handler for SAP Note: In order to use this feature, upgrade to IBM Security Identity Manager Version 7.0.1. |
RTC 142424 |
Support for SAP NW 750 |
Items included in 7.0.19 release |
Internal |
Changes for IGI 5.2 release Note: This change is applicable only to SAP NW adapter Change multi-value attributes to add/delete instead of replace:ersapnwprofile ,ersapnwgroup ,ersapnwusergroups |
Items included in 7.0.18 release |
Internal |
Role-only changes for IGI 5.2 release Note: This change is applicable only to SAP NW adapter |
Items included in 7.0.17 release |
Initial Release. |
Closed Issues
PMR# / Description |
Items included in current release (7.1.30) |
RTC 176181 |
IJ06626/BUG 2536
PMR TS000093857 Frequent error on multiple suspends to SAP instances.
D - As a SAP NW adapter developer I need to prevent frequent error on multiple suspends to SAP instances, Bugz 2536, APAR IJ06626 |
Items included in 7.1.29 release |
RTC 171786 |
IJ03346/BUG 2531
PMR TS000079006 SAP Adapter: Request is not retried and fails immediately when SAP server is not available
US - As a SAP NW adapter developer, I need to provide correct error messages |
IJ05019/ Bug 2573 |
PMR TS000134773 SAP Provisioning doesn't work for email attribute |
Items included in 7.1.28 release |
RTC 171627 |
IJ03216/Bug 2518 |
PMR TS000078215 End date of role is not set to SAP server. As a SAP NW adapter developer, I must ensure properly handling of '|' characters.
Items included in 7.1.27 release |
RTC 168608 |
Bug 2443 |
PMR 18368,035,649 Adapter password is missing As a SAP NW adapter developer, I must ensure the adapter properly handles SAP JCo caching |
Items included in 7.1.26 release |
None |
Items included in 7.1.25 release |
�RTC 161746 |
AGC - Connector/Adapter SAP Remove Permission system SAP CUA |
Items included in 7.1.24 release |
�RTC 158750 |
IV94659/Bug 2302 |
PMR 03339,070,724 SAP Authorization Profiles with no description are not reconciled.
See �Support data reconciliation as the language given on service form� for more details. |
Items included in 7.1.23 release |
RTC 155022 |
IV90363/Bug 2193 |
PMR 18847,130,702/ ISIM SAP reconciliation retrieves only a subset of all roles that are in SAP |
Items included in 7.1.22 release |
IV87049/Bugz 2103, Bugz 2109 |
PMR 47462, 100,838/ PMR 74041, 000,834/SAP Roles with no description are not reconciled.
This version of adapter is modified to reconcile all the role names and will reconcile role description for role names in the language specified on the service form.
IV90363/Bugz 2193
PMR 18847,130,702/ISIM SAP reconciliation retrieves only a subset of all roles that are in SAP.
This version of adapter is modified to reconcile child role names also which are not present on parent system.
Internal/Bug 2177 |
PMR 00519,070,724/ Confusing documentation about the support for the HR Linking extension |
Items included in 7.0.21 release |
IV87049/Bugz 2103, Bugz 2109 |
PMR 47462, 100,838/ PMR 74041, 000,834/SAP Roles with no description are not reconciled. |
IV89133/Bugz 2155
PMR 62668,004,000/question about ersapnwusergroups attribute modify behavior |
Items included in 7.0.20 release |
None |
Items included in 7.0.19 release |
IV77638/Bugz1856 |
SAP NW Adapter modify role request fail, but ISIM LDAP entries updated with role info anyway. |
Items included in 7.0.18 release |
None |
Items included in 7.0.17 release |
Initial Release. |
Known Issues
PMR# / Description |
To use IGI with SAP GRC install the ARCS-SAP adapter agent on SAP resource. For more information, visit Introduction to the ARCS-SAP adapter agent at
The Adapter for SAP NetWeaver does not retrieve descriptive text from SAP for most support data classes.
Language Attribute under both Communication and Default tabs can be search only by language key, e.g. EN.
Modifying an account by reassigning a group that has been previously removed from the account is not working correctly. This appears to be a problem with standard SAP functionality.
Invalid email format (described in 4.1.7 Email Address) is not reported as error during add and modify operations
It is possible to change attributes on the non-CUA/CUA Master License Data tab only if the attribute "Contractual User Type" (ersapnwlicutype) is supplied in the Add or Modify operation request.
Recon with filter (eruid=*) is case sensitive due to RMI dispatcher limitation.
If custom extension xsl file is missing the operation hangs.
After modifying adapter service parameters in the IBM Security Identity Manager server, the dispatcher process hosting the adapter must be restarted.
The adapter reports error or failure status to IBM Security Identity Manager for all provisioning operations if a BAPI/RFC executed during the operation reports an error or failure. There are some cases when a SAP BAPI/RFC may report an error incorrectly. The BAPI/RFC actually executes successfully. One specific example is on user creation. If no user company addresses have been defined in SAP, the BAPI function BAPI_USER_CREATE1 reports an error to the adapter, but actually creates the user account in SAP. When the adapter reports the error to IBM Security Identity Manager, IBM Security Identity Manager server will not update the account in its repository resulting in an inconsistency between IBM Security Identity Manager and SAP. The incorrect error status indicator cases are reported to SAP support as they are identified, to be corrected by SAP in support packs. In the meantime, IBM Security Identity Manager users should leverage the full or filtered reconciliation features of IBM Security Identity Manager to maintain consistency between IBM Security Identity Manager and SAP repositories.
IBM Security Identity Manager converts date values to the local time zone of the user. As a result, there can be cases where dates returned from SAP via the adapter to IBM Security Identity Manager server appear to lose or gain a day. This occurs when any account attribute is modified in IBM Security Identity Manager. IBM Security Identity Manager will perform the time zone conversion as the modified account is being saved back into the IBM Security Identity Manager request queue for subsequent provisioning.
Known Limitations for SAP NW adapter
PMR# / Description |
RTC 161745 |
Limitations in Changing Password in CUA system:
Adapter uses BAPI_USER_CHANGE to set and change user�s password in the CUA�s central system. The initial password is distributed to the child systems when a user is created. However, for password change, the adapter changes existing passwords only locally and will not change them in the central system i.e. the password change is not propagated to the child system due to BAPI limitation.
Limitations on Switching between Productive (Permanent) and Initial (Temporary) password
During modify operation; the existing password of the account will be modified to Productive if "Set Password as Productive" is checked. A modify operation is needed before a password change operation to change the status of �Set Password as Productive" flag. This is a send only attribute. The value of the flag won�t be stored in ITIM/ISIM.
Limitations on support for SAP Productive Passwords
1. SAP versions supported by the adapter require SNC to be enabled to set productive passwords. 2. In a CUA environment, the adapter cannot set the password to be productive due to a limitation in the SAP interface.
In CUA deployments, the adapter must be configured against the CUA master system. All attributes of accounts are managed via the master system. For all attributes except roles and profiles, the adapter will manage and synchronize account attribute state against the CUA master.
When assigning a CUA child system to a user account, if the user account has group assignments, and at least one of those groups does not exist on the CUA child, then the account will not be created on the child. This is a limitation with SAP CUA implementation, and is reproducible using the native SAP user management transaction SU01.
Country attribute under Person Tab depends on attribute Company from the same tab. After recon value of attribute Country might be changed to correspond to Company address.
In CUA environments, when assigning role/profile from master or child systems to user without system assignment, SAP automatically creates an associated CUA system assignment. IBM Security Identity Manager will not have visibility of the automatically assigned CUA system assignment until next reconciliation for the user.
When performing a filtered reconciliation, the filter value must be defined in uppercase (e.g.(eruid=USER1) ). This is due to an inconsistency within the BAPI methods for user management provided by SAP. This limitation affects retrieval of CUA profiles assigned to the requested user account.
In CUA environments there is no known method for distinguishing a composite role from a noncomposite role. This means that reconciliation will return all roles from a CUA implementation.
SAP allows different telephone numbers to be set as the "Primary telephone number", such as the Mobile Phone number. During reconciliation, SAP will return the Mobile phone number as the Primary telephone number if a Telephone number has not been defined for an account in SAP.
Role assignment modification does not work when attempting to simultaneously add a directly assigned single role while removing a composite role which also contains the given single role. It is recommended to perform this operation as two separate steps, i.e. remove the composite role, then add the single role.
The HR Personnel number attribute is no longer supported. This attribute is present on the account form to allow adoption of the sample ABAP extension for HR Linking.
The ABAP extension for password management is no longer supported. As a result, the adapter manages account passwords in accordance with the default features and constraints supported by SAP. Further to this, SAP does not enable external code components, such as this adapter, to distribute productive password changes within a CUA environment. Please refer to the following SAP notes for additional background, details and limitations: 376856, 830493, 1287410, 991968, 1300104.
Last Logged in Date attribute will always be on the same time zone, as of SAP NetWeaver Server�s time zone. |
This version of adapter is modified to reconcile support data as per the language given on service form. The details are as below:-
� There are some support data for which language is not a barrier. So, adapter will reconcile such support data as earlier.
E.g. Academic title, Company, User group, Menu, Output device, Parameter, User type.
� There are some support data for which adapter reconcile the name and description as per the language given on service form and reconcile the name only for other languages. In this case, description will be same as name.
E.g. Roles and Profiles.
� There are some support data for which we reconcile the name and description as per the language given on service form and ignore the data for other languages.
E.g. Timezone, Country, Language, Security Policy, Special version, Title, Type.
Multi Byte Character Support Limitations
All character data transferred between IBM Security Identity Manager Server, the adapter, and SAP ABAP server are encoded as UTF-8. The adapter supports provisioning of multi byte characters to and from a directly connected SAP ABAP Unicode server. Provisioning of ASCII characters is supported for Non-Unicode SAP ABAP servers. The adapter does not support provisioning of multi byte characters to any Non-Unicode ABAP server. Extended ASCII characters are not tested or supported for Non-Unicode SAP ABAP servers.
Non Transactional Provisioning
The adapter does not execute provisioning operations within a transactional context. Some provisioning operations require multiple steps to be executed against the SAP server. A consequence of this situation is that errors or warnings which occur after the first step may result in a partially complete provisioning operation. A possible method to handle for this limitation is to use the IBM Security Identity Manager workflow features to execute compensating actions. For example, issue a filter reconciliation for the given user account in order to synchronize the account state between IBM Security Identity Manager and the target server.
Enable Deactivated Password on Modify Limitation
The "Deactivate password" attribute is supported by both the Add and Modify operation. Enabling this attribute on the account form will cause the password for an account to be deactivated in SAP. However, disabling the "Deactivate password" flag is NOT supported in the modify operation. The adapter will not enable the password for an account if the "Deactivate password" flag is unchecked on a modify operation. To re-enable a deactivated password for an account, a request to change the password for the account must be made instead. The state of the disable password flag in IBM Security Identity Manager will not be synchronized until reconciliation is performed.
SAP Adapter Extension Function for HR Linking is no longer supported
Earlier version of SAP adapter had included optional ABAP extension functions for HR Linking, Account Locking, and Productive Password setting and synchronization. Since there are no BAPIs or APIs to do the HR link, adapter code used to directly access SAP tables. However, SAP does not recommended accessing SAP tables directly. Therefore even though the source code sample versions of the extensions are included in adapter package, support for HR linking has been stopped.
SAP Connection parameters not marked as required in the Service form
SAP connection parameters are not marked as required because, SAP adapter can create connection with SAP Netweaver server using either the provided service form attributes or by using the optional RFC parameter attribute present in service form.
See the Installation and Configuration guide for IBM Security Identity Adapter for SAPNetWeaver for detailed instructions.
Corrections to Installation guide:
The following corrections to install guide apply to this release
Perform following steps to install SAPGRC10Workflow.jar and configure SAP GRC Access Control workflow extensions on ISIMVA 7.0
SAPGRC10Workflow.jar Installation
1. SAPGRC10Workflow.jar is already packaged with ISIMVA. Please follow following steps to install it.
Access the command line interface (CLI) of the virtual appliance by using either a ssh session or the console.
Below is the function available from the command line interface>isim����������>utilities�>sap�>install_sap_grc
Enter the SAP GRC version: 10
This command will ask for version number and accordingly copy the SAPGRC<version_no>Workflow.jar. Provide the GRC version as 10. It imports the WebSphere key into the IBM Security Identity Manager keystore and restarts the IBM Security Identity Manager application.
2. The jaas_login_was.conf,, and SAPNotify.props files are already installed in the directory on the IBM Security Identity Manager server.
3. The variables in script is already set to match the VA environment.
4. To edit the SAPNotify.props file and provide the correct value for each of the attributes, use the Custom File Management page.
From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, select Configure > Advanced Configuration > Custom File Management to display the Custom File Management page. Click the All Files tab. Go to directories/sap. According to the SAP GRC Access control version, navigate to the folder. Download the SAPNotify.props file, edit and upload it again to the same location. The itim.home and enrole.appServer.realm variables are already set to the values that match the VA environment.
5. To validate the configuration by running, access the command line interface (CLI) of the virtual appliance by using either an ssh session or the console.
Below is the function available from the command line interface>isim����������>utilities�>sap�>run_notifier
Enter the SAP GRC version: 10
Installing and configuring SAP GRC Access Control workflow extensions on ISIMVA 7.0
Configuring Access Request workflow extension
1. For installing SAP GRC Access Control workflow extensions, use the Workflow extension page to add custom workflow extension to the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, click Configure > Advanced Configuration > Library and Workflow Extension to display the Library and Workflow Extension page.
2. Click on New button
3. Provide extension name and provide xml as below screenshot
For Blocking Add request workflow xml would be
PARAM_ID="account" TYPE="Account" /><IN_PARAMETERS
PARAM_ID="service" TYPE="Service" /><OUT_PARAMETERS PARAM_ID="result"
3. Click on Save configuration and make sure it gets created successfully.
Follow the above 1 to 3rd step to install workflow extension for blocking and non blocking operation.
For Blocking Modify request, xml would be
For Blocking Delete request, xml would be
For Blocking Suspend request, xml would be
For Blocking Restore request, xml would be
For Non-Blocking Add request workflow xml would be
PARAM_ID="account" TYPE="Account" /><IN_PARAMETERS
PARAM_ID="service" TYPE="Service" /><OUT_PARAMETERS
PARAM_ID="result" TYPE="String"
For Non-Blocking Modify request, xml would be
�For Non-Blocking Delete request, xml would be
For Non-Blocking Suspend request, xml would be
For Non-Blocking Restore request, xml would be
For Risk Analysis request, xml would be
For checkGRCVersion request, xml would be
Once extension is added, you can create a workflow using below steps
Configuring Access Request workflow extension
Define Access Request workflow extensions for the existing SAP GRC NetWeaver account type.
1. Log on to Tivoli Identity Manager.
a. Select Configure System > Manager Operations.
b. For the Operation Level, select Entity level.
c. Select Account as the Entity type.
d. Select SAP GRC NetWeaver Account as the type of account to be configured with the SAP GRC AC workflow extension.
2. Click the Add button to create an add operation if it doesn't already exist. The operation diagram is displayed. Provided the same changes as those shown in the following screen captures.
3. Remove the transition line from the Start node to the CREATEACCOUNT extension node.
4. Add a new extension node between Start and CREATEACCOUNT.
5. Double-click on the new Extension node. A pop-up window displays all the
extensions registered using workflowextensions.xml.
6. Select the Extension Name as SAPGRC10BlockingAddRequest and fill in the Activity ID with GRC_ADD. Set the Activity Name to GRC ADD.
7. Select OR for the Split Type.
7 a. Click on Search Relevant Data for account and service attribute as Relevant Data ID is absent.
Click the Add button next to Relevant Data.
Create a new result Relevant Data. Enter result in the ID field. Ensure that the Type is String and leave Default Value as blank. Click Ok to finish.
Select the relevant Data as result for id result and click ok
8. Click Ok and attach the transitions to the newly-added extension.
9. Click the Properties button.
10. Click the Add button next to Relevant Data.
11. Create a new result Relevant Data. Enter result in the ID field. Ensure that the Type is String and leave Default Value as blank. Click Ok to finish.
12. Double-click the transition connecting the newly-added extension to the CREATEACCOUNT extension node and key in the condition activity.resultSummary=="SS".
Name the transition "approved". Click Ok to close the transition properties window.
13. Double-click the transition connecting the newly-added extension to the END node and key in the condition activity.resultSummary!="SS".
Name the transition "rejected". Click Ok to close the transition properties window.
Configuring Risk Analysis workflow extension
Perform the steps mentioned in install guide for ISIM 6.0 Risk Analysis workflow.
also execute 7 a. steps mentioned for Blocking add request above.
Configuring Update Account Attributes workflow extension
Perform the steps mentioned in install guide for ISIM 6.0 Update account attributes workflow extension.
also execute 7 a. steps mentioned for Blocking add request above.
Configuration Notes
The following configuration notes apply to this release:
������������ IBM Security Identity adapter for SAP NetWeaver does not install inside the Identity Governance and Intelligence VA.
������������ Installing the adapter language pack
The adapters use a separate language package from the IBM Security Identity Management. See the IBM Security Identity Management library and search for information about installing the adapter language pack at
The IBM Security Identity Server adapters can be customized and/or extended. The type and method of this customization may vary from adapter to adapter.
Getting Started
Customizing and extending adapters requires a number of additional skills. The developer must be familiar with the following concepts and skills prior to beginning the modifications:
� IBM Security Identity Server administration
� IBM Security Directory Integrator management
� IBM Security Directory Integrator assembly line development
� LDAP schema management
� Working knowledge of Java scripting language
� Working knowledge of LDAP object classes and attributes
� Working knowledge of XML document structure
Note: If the customization requires a new IBM Security Directory Integrator connector, the developer must also be familiar with IBM Security Directory Integrator connector development and working knowledge of Java programming language.
IBM Security Identity Server Resources:
Check the "Training" section of the IBM Security Identity Server for links to training, publications, and demos.
IBM Security Directory Integrator Resources:
Check the "Training" section of the IBM Security Directory Integrator Support web site for links to training, publications, and demos.
Support for Customized Adapters
The integration to the IBM Security Identity server "the adapter framework" is supported. However, IBM does not support the customizations, scripts, or other modifications. If you experience a problem with a customized adapter, IBM Support may require the problem to be demonstrated on the GA version of the adapter before a PMR is opened.
Installation Platform
The IBM Security Identity Adapter for SapNetWeaver adapter was built and tested on the following product versions.
Adapter Installation Platform:
Due to continuous Java security updates that may be applied to your ISIM or PIM servers, the following TDI/SDI releases are the officially supported versions:
Earlier versions of TDI that are still supported may function properly, however to resolve any communication errors, you must upgrade your TDI/SDI releases to the officially supported versions by the adapters
Note: The adapter supports IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2, which is available only to customers who have the correct entitlement. Contact your IBM representative to find out if you have the entitlement to download IBM Security Directory Integrator 7.2.
Managed Resource:
The following SAP ABAP Basis versions running anywhere on the network are supported:
� SAP NW 700 (NetWeaver 2004s)
� SAP NW 710
� SAP NW 730 (see the "Limitations on support for SAP Productive Passwords" topic in the "Known Issues" section of this document for important functional restrictions)
� SAP NW 740
� SAP NW 750
����������� Note: Support for SAP GRC resource is only available for ISIM 6.0 now. This adapter does not support SAP GRC at this time on ISIM 7.0 and IGI. It will be supported in future version.
The adapter supports SAP CUA environments. If CUA is configured the adapter must be deployed against the central CUA master system.
Refer to section "Multi Byte Character Support Limitations" above regarding unicode support limitations.
The following minimum patch levels, by SAP release version, are required:
SAP Release Software Component Support Package
the SAP system must be patched with corrections from SAP notes 992375, 994415,
1101858 and 1636845.
SAP JCo certified:
JCo 3.0.17
SAP NW Adapter was tested and certified using JCo v3.0.17. SAP may release a
newer version of JCo since then and for reasons unknown, SAP may not make JCo
v3.0.17 available for download. The newer version of JCo may work as is with
the adapter. However, if there are any issues related directly to the
newer version of JCo, it will be addressed in the next release of the adapter.
IBM Security Identity Manager:
IBM Security Identity Manager v7.0
IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager (PIM):
������� ISPIM v2.0
������� ISPIM v2.1
Identity Governance and Intelligence (IGI):
�������� IGI v5.2.3
�������� IGI v5.2.4
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