From the Maximo Support Desk - Domains Related To Asset Up and Down Status

Created by Tom Richardson on Sun, 11/24/2019 - 03:46
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Technical Blog Post


From the Maximo Support Desk - Domains Related To Asset Up and Down Status


I would like to explain the usage of the Asset Up and Asset Down Status, and also the ASSETSTATUS, LOCSTATUS, and LOCASSETSTATUS domains.  Questions surrounding these components of the Maximo Assets application have been asked by some of my clients, so this likely means that more Maximo users must have made similar observations.  Hopefully I can clarify this functionality here.


A client recently inquired about two observations related to Domains:

"I thought Maximo used to store Asset status changes in ASSETSTATUS table. But we noticed that it no longer uses that table. It uses PLUSCASSETSTATUS. Do you know why? We don't have any add-on tools like calibration installed..."

"...what is the intended functionality behind LOCSTAT Synonym Domain? It seems redundant if we are using LOCASSETSTATUS Synonym Domain for location status changes."


To answer these questions, I consulted with the development team and learned the following...

ASSETSTATUS has always been used in Maxio for asset up/down status in the ASSET.ISRUNNING attribute.  This is different than the ASSET.STATUS attribute which uses domain values such as OPERATING, BROKEN, DECOMMISSIONED, NOT READY,etc.

These statuses were previously not persistently stored for core Maximo.  The Calibration "add-on" provided this functionality, but it was done for Calibration only.  Eventually, Calibration functionality became integreated with core Maximo product releases and it was determined that there was no reason why this should be limited to Calibration-only records so it became used in core Maximo as well. This is why you will see the PLUSCASSETSTATUS table; it was originally created for Calibration asset status and the ASSETSTATUS table was already being used for up/down status.

Also, the LOCSTAT and ASSETSTAT domains are no longer used by Maximo.  These were replaced several Feature Packs ago with the LOCASSETSTATUS domain to accommodate newer functionality.


If you need to send this information to your Users or a colleague, you can send them this URL, which is in the format of an IBM Knowledge Document:

Asset Status Domains



Tom Richardson is an IBM Maximo Support Engineer and frequent contributor to the Asset Management Blog community.  For a complete index of links to his articles, visit
Index of articles by Tom Richardson, Support Engineer

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