IBM SPSS Statistics Fix List

Created by David Dwyer on Wed, 11/18/2020 - 10:10
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Fix Readme


This product is a minor release. After installing, your IBM SPSS Statistics product will be version


Statistics Download Document

Release notes: IBM® SPSS® Statistics 27.0.1

APAR Title
PH03752 Import of Salesforce DB:  SQLDriverConnect failed :[IBM SPSS][ODBC Salesforce driver]A Java VM has already been created
PH13257 Reading SJIS .csv with Japanese OLANG makes GET DATA "hang"
PH14703 CDB Nodes can't get some properties with PSAPI APIs in Modeler Adapter
PH17138 STATS_RELIMP Extensions command fails for non-installing user
PH19630 Export to Excel 2016 from SPSS merges cells
PH25333 Custom Table GUI does not open after adding value labels
PH26234 SPSS 26 and 27 crashes running an XCHART command when Unicode mode is ON
PH26924 SPSS 26 Server: Error # 1407 SAVE command fails when storing to a NAS mounted drive on Linux
PH27006 Python script does not run properly in SPSS 27 table title with special character not displayed correctly
PH27237 SPSS Statistics 27: SpssSyntaxDoc.SetSyntax does not work properly for Korean language and Python3
PH27327 External Python3 cannot find Python plug-ins
PH27340 Propensity Score Matching PSM not working in Statistics 27.0 and Python3: ERROR "FUZZY IS NOT DEFINED"
PH27445 Statistics client jobs run from Python pull license from the wrong redundant LM server
PH27941 X-axis chart label is empty and does not persist when edited
PH28468 "Find" field does not persist values when you do Find and Replace
PH28511 Copy/Paste MGO Scatter chart - Data point labels not copied
PH28803 SPLIT FILE LAYERED and OUTPUT MODIFY (for APA style) cannot be run together
PH28875 Exported Excel file is empty after SPSS 27 was launched via double click on a SAV file and a custom table is exported as XLSX file
PH28941 OUTPUT EXPORT: Export to Excel with non-English value in SHEET keyword fails
PH29546 Paste Tool button does not paste
PH29610 Inexplicable backend crashes on Statistics Subscription or Statistics 27 for macOS
PH29797 Unable to check out a commuter license for SPSS 26 and below and for AMOS 27 and below with SLM on RHEL 7.3 and 7.6
PH30304 Unable to import a Japanese CSV file into SPSS 27 but works fine in SPSS 26. Error#2278
PH31898 AGGREGATE crashes backend on Statistics 26 FP1 and 27.0 macOS
PH31911 Temp.txt file in SPSS 27 installation directory include a wrong license code (and also wrong in 26)
PH31912 The Graphboard's folder path created for Active Directory user is incorrect.
PH31915 Subscription and OnPrem cannot start by domain user account because the users do not have write access for a specific local folder
PH31916 Extension command installer malfunction
PH31917 CSPLAN: GUI allows invalid values
PH31918 Chart Builder - can't select installed template
PH31919 MULTIPLE IMPUTATION: Pooled result doesn't show in one place but shows in another
PH31920 XTABS > METHOD=EXACT: Processor terminates after several minutes then the app vanishes
PH31921 Value labels cause Statistics to crash
PH31922 PROPORTIONS: Impossible p-values for given test
PH31923 Custom script failing after deprecating Python 2
PH31924 Missing UI indicators of MULTIPLE IMPUTATION status
PH31925 Analyze > Mixed Model > Linear first dialog too large in  1280 x 720
PH31926 Show License for Base license should show the added Bootstrapping and Data preparation
PH31927 Not all of R script is being observed in CDB node by Modeler
PH31928 Significance value of "<.001"shown when the correlation is perfect; should be sysmis
PH31929 Undo Cut and Paste can not get data to original status
PH31930 Model drop-down list of Reliability Analysis pastes wrong syntax in non-English UI
PH31931 Chart Builder: Cannot Use Keyboard to Create Charts
PH31932 Chart Editor font editing options have disappeared
PH31933 Issue with SVG item not present within Drop-Down list within Export Dialog

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLVMB","label":"IBM SPSS Statistics"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CkeZAAS","label":"Statistics Subscription-\u003EKnown defects"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF017","label":"Mac OS"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"27.0.1"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
03 November 2021

