IBM Cloud Pak for Integration - Known Limitations

Created by Darren Sullivan on Wed, 06/17/2020 - 07:14
Published URL:

Release Notes


Known Limitations of IBM Cloud Pak for Integration


Limitations impacting all versions
Unable to access Cloud Pak for Integration user interfaces

Issue: When users try to access the Cloud Pak for Integration UI routes they get the message  Application is not available .

Cause: Network traffic has not been allowed between the deployed instance of Platform Navigator and the Ingress Controller, as required. (If you would like more information about this policy, review the Red Hat documentation.)


Using the CLI

1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift cluster CLI as a Cluster Administrator.
2. Confirm the endpointPublishingStrategy type of the IngressController:
oc get --namespace openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontrollers/default \
 --output jsonpath='{.status.endpointPublishingStrategy.type}'; echo

3. If the type value from the previous step is HostNetwork, ingress traffic must be enabled through the default namespace. Add the label to the default namespace:

oc label namespace default ''

Using the Red Hat OpenShift web console 

  1. Log in to the Red Hat OpenShift web console for the cluster as a Cluster Administrator.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Home > Search. Click to expand Project, select the openshift-ingress-operator namespace, then search for the resource IngressController.
  3. Click to open the default IngressResource and view the YAML to confirm the value of   spec.endpointPublishingStrategy.
  4. If the value of  spec.endpointPublishingStrategy.type is HostNetwork, ingress traffic must be enabled through the default namespace. In the left navigation pane, click Home > Search. Search for the resource namespace, select the default namespace, and click Edit Labels.
5. Add the label, then click Save.
Expired leaf certificates not automatically refreshed
Issue: Self-signed CA certificate refresh does not automatically refresh leaf certificates, resulting in unavailable services. The user gets an  Application Unavailable message when attempting to access the Platform UI or other capabilities in Cloud Pak for Integration. 

Additionally, the management-ingress pod logs show an error:
Error: exit status 1
2021/01/23 16:56:00 [emerg] 44#44: invalid number of arguments in "ssl_certificate" directive in /tmp/nginx-cfg123456789:123
nginx: [emerg] invalid number of arguments in "ssl_certificate" directive in /tmp/nginx-cfg123456789:123
nginx: configuration file /tmp/nginx-cfg123456789 test failed
Solution: See Cloud Pak for Integration - Refreshing Expired Certificates to find out how to refresh these certificates.
Unable to push images to local Azure Container Registry

When attempting to use the cloudctl command to mirror images, the use gets this error:
400 Bad Request
Request Header Or Cookie Too Large
Cause: May be a limitation of Azure Container Registry, which does not accept larger headers.
Solution: Add the USE_SKOPEO=1 argument to the cloudctl command, which causes it to use Skopeo v1.0+, one at a time, on each image (Skopeo v1.0+ doesn’t have batching).

Cloud Pak for Integration 2023.2

For information on limitations and workarounds, see the IBM Documentation page for IBM Cloud Pak for Integration 2023.2 Known Limitations.

Cloud Pak for Integration 2022.4

For information on limitations and workarounds, see the IBM Documentation page for IBM Cloud Pak for Integration 2022.4 Known Limitations.


Cloud Pak for Integration 2022.2

For information on limitations and workarounds, see the IBM Documentation page for IBM Cloud Pak for Integration 2022.2 Known Limitations.

Cloud Pak for Integration 2021.4
No support for Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform version 4.9
IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration is not currently supported on Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform version 4.9, due to limitations from dependencies.
API Test Generation can fail to add test cases for large data
The API Test Generation feature can fail to add new test cases based on insights when the request or response data is large. After the user has clicked Add new test case, they check the results (after the progress bar reaches the end), and observe that no new test case has been added.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS8QTD","label":"IBM Cloud Pak for Integration"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2023

