Release Notes
Before IBM® Db2® V11.5.4 the default FMP communication buffer size is 60KB. Federation server improves the performance by increasing the default FMP communication buffer size to 2MB. Such changes affect the upper limit of db2fmp processes or threads. This article explains how to tune the configurations of IBM® Db2® to adapt these changes.
With more customers start to using IBM®Db2® federation server, the performance of federation server becomes the major impact to the customer. While we examine the potential performance issue, we found that the FMP communication buffer is one of them. After analysis of some typical nickname query, we found transporting the data from Db2® FMP process or thread to Db2® engine are the bottleneck. The FMP process or thread is responsible to fetching data from remote database, and then transporting the data through FMP communication buffer to Db2® engine for further processing. Normally the ODBC/JDBC driver supports block fetching and the fetching size can be determined by the ODBC/JDBC client (federation). Federation determines the fetching size by the FMP communication buffer size. So given a large table to be fetched, since the FMP communication buffer size is too small, the result sets must be transported multiple times. And this multiple time transportation involves multiple times of context switch between Db2® engine and FMP process or thread, which are the bottleneck of overall nickname query. So we decided to increase the default FMP buffer size.
Before Db2® V11.5.4, the default FMP communication buffer size is determined by this database management configuration parameter ASLHEAPSZ. The default value of ASLHEAPSZ is 15. This parameter controls the communication buffer size of all kinds of Db2® FMP including federation FMP. In Db2® V11.5.4, the default value of federation FMP communication buffer size is not determined by ASLHEAPSZ and has been changed to 2MB. 2MB is the minimal value of federation FMP communication buffer size, if the value of ASLHEAPSZ is larger than 512 (2MB) then the federation FMP communication buffer size still determined by ASLHEAPSZ.
The reason of setting the default value of federation FMP communication buffer size to 2MB is that we have done some performance testing and comparison between different size of FMP communication buffer, 2MB is the best one in terms of balancing the buffer size and performance.
When customer upgrades Db2® version to Db2® V11.5.4, given these changes, they might need to tune some parameters to adapt these changes. Especially after upgrading "Out of memory" error might occur if there are lots of Db2® FMP processes or threads involved in customer's Db2® instance. For example, the following messages in db2diag.log file show this error.
- 2020-08-24- E394315E820 LEVEL: Warning PID: 19274 TID: 48112894732032 PROC: db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: db2inst1 NOD: 000 DB: SAMPLE APPHDL: 0-59604 APPID: UOWID: 12 ACTID: 4 AUTHID: DB2INST1 HOSTNAME: XXX EDUID: 18335 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Memory Management, sqloMemLogPoolConditions, probe: 30 DATA #1: Out of memory failure for Undefined Heap on node 0. Requested block size: 4202516 bytes. Physical heap size: 260898816 bytes. Configured heap size: 23003136 bytes. Unreserved memory used by heap: 0 bytes. Unreserved memory left in set: 0 bytes.
- 2020-08-24- I395136E599 LEVEL: Error PID: 19274 TID: 48112894732032 PROC: db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE: 000 DB: SAMPLE APPHDL: 0-59604 APPID: UOWID: 12 ACTID: 4 AUTHID: DB2INST1 HOSTNAME: XXX EDUID: 18335 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Memory Management, sqloMemLogPoolConditions, probe: 910 DATA #1: LocalOOM FODC Event being generated due to Out of Memory error
- 2020-08-24- I423859E720 LEVEL: Event PID: 19274 TID: 48112894732032 PROC: db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE: 000 DB: SAMPLE APPHDL: 0-59604 APPID: UOWID: 12 ACTID: 4 AUTHID: DB2INST1 HOSTNAME: XXX EDUID: 18335 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, SQO Memory Management, sqloMemLogPoolConditions, probe: 20 STOP: AUTOMATIC FODC: Memory: success IMPACT: None DATA #1: String, 122 bytes Check /db2home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump/FODC_Memory_2020-08-24- for diagnostic information.
- 2020-08-24- I424580E814 LEVEL: Error PID: 19274 TID: 48112894732032 PROC: db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE: 000 DB: SAMPLE APPHDL: 0-59604 APPID: UOWID: 12 ACTID: 4 AUTHID: DB2INST1 HOSTNAME: XXX EDUID: 18335 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerGetFMPIPC, probe: 50 MESSAGE: Insufficient memory available for IPC communication with the db2fmp process. Use the DB2_FMP_COMM_HEAPSZ registry variable to adjust the amount of memory available for fenced routines. DATA #1: Hex dump, 4 bytes 0x00002BC227FFC1B0: 3B00 0F8B;...
- 2020-08-24- E425395E754 LEVEL: Warning PID: 19274 TID: 48112894732032 PROC: db2sysc 0 INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE: 000 DB: SAMPLE APPHDL: 0-59604 APPID: UOWID: 12 ACTID: 4 AUTHID: DB2INST1 HOSTNAME: XXX EDUID: 18335 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) 0 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerGetFMPIPC, probe: 50 MESSAGE: ADM11002E Insufficient shared memory available for communication with the db2fmp process. Use the DB2_FMP_COMM_HEAPSZ registry variable to increase the amount of shared memory available for fenced routines.
Number of db2fmp processes + Number of db2fmp threads = DB2_FMP_COMM_HEAPSZ / (2 * ASLHEAPSZ)
Number of db2fmp processes + Number of db2fmp threads = DB2_FMP_COMM_HEAPSZ / (2 * 512)
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Modified date:
08 October 2024