Question & Answer
Customers want to use Federation server connect to Greenplum through JDBC driver.
To configure a federation to access Greenplum data source through JDBC wrapper, you need to provide information about the data sources and objects that you want to access. Then create wrapper, server, user mapping and nickname about the tables on remote Greenplum data source.
Before you begin.
Check the driver FOgreenplum.jar in the path $/INSTANCE_HOME/sqllib/federation/jdbc/lib.
1. Enable Federation server and restart Db2.
# db2 update dbm cfg using federated YES
# db2stop force
# db2start
2. Test the connection to the Greenplum data source and verify the service is started correctly.
telnet <greenplum_ip> <port>
If the connection is successful, you receive the following similar output from the command.
$ telnet 5432
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
If the connection fails, you will receive an error, please check the greenplum service status.
3. Create wrapper, server, user mapping, nickname, and query the nickname.
connect to testdbu
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1
Local database alias = TESTDBU
create server server1 type jdbc version 6 OPTIONS(DRIVER_CLASS '', URL 'jdbc:ibm:greenplum://;DatabaseName=template1', DRIVER_PACKAGE '/home/db2inst1/sqllib/federation/jdbc/lib/FOgreenplum.jar')
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
set passthru server1
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
drop table alltype_test
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
create table alltype_test(col1_int integer, col2_smallint smallint, col3_double double precision, col4_char char(30), col5_varchar varchar(30), col6_date date, col7_time time, col8_timestamp timestamp, col9_decimal decimal(10,5), col10_char char(1), col11_char varchar(1), col12_graphic char(30), col13_vargraphic varchar(30), col14_char char(30), col15_varchar varchar(30), col16_date date, col17_timestamp timestamp)
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
insert into alltype_test values(1, 2, 3.1, 'hello4', 'hello world5', '2022-02-14','2022-09-17 10:44:27', '2022-09-17 10:44:28', 12.39, '1', '2','2022-09-17 10:44:27','2022-09-17 10:44:27','2022-09-17 10:44:27','2022-09-17 10:44:27','1022-02-14','1022-09-17 10:44:27')
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
set passthru reset
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
create or replace nickname nk_greenplum for server1."alltype_test"
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
describe table nk_greenplum
Data type Column
Column name schema Data type name Length Scale Nulls
------------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- ----- ------
col1_int SYSIBM INTEGER 4 0 Yes
col2_smallint SYSIBM SMALLINT 2 0 Yes
col3_double SYSIBM DOUBLE 8 0 Yes
col4_char SYSIBM CHARACTER 30 0 Yes
col5_varchar SYSIBM VARCHAR 30 0 Yes
col6_date SYSIBM DATE 4 0 Yes
col7_time SYSIBM TIME 3 0 Yes
col8_timestamp SYSIBM TIMESTAMP 10 6 Yes
col9_decimal SYSIBM DECIMAL 10 5 Yes
col10_char SYSIBM CHARACTER 1 0 Yes
col11_char SYSIBM VARCHAR 1 0 Yes
col12_graphic SYSIBM CHARACTER 30 0 Yes
col13_vargraphic SYSIBM VARCHAR 30 0 Yes
col14_char SYSIBM CHARACTER 30 0 Yes
col15_varchar SYSIBM VARCHAR 30 0 Yes
col16_date SYSIBM DATE 4 0 Yes
col17_timestamp SYSIBM TIMESTAMP 10 6 Yes
17 record(s) selected.
select "col1_int", "col4_char" from nk_greenplum
col1_int col4_char
----------- ------------------------------
1 hello4
1 record(s) selected.
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Document Information
Modified date:
15 March 2024